RC Fortner Enterprises is proud to be an Authorized Training Partner with the Resilience Building Training Program (RBLP).  

Become A Certified RBLP Leader

 We offer certifications for every level of Leadership. Click on the role to learn more or apply now.

Front Line Supervisors

Building resilient teams that can work together to overcome adversity in a challenging environment is a core competency for leaders at all levels.

Middle Managers

Adapting to change means that teams must learn new policies, processes, and procedures. Facilitating team learning is essential for problem-solving.

Senior Leaders

Organizations stay competitive by growing their capabilities. Supporting organizational learning makes change possible and enables competitive advantage.

Benefits of Leadership Certification

Based on history of all survey responses from our credential holders and updated monthly.


87% believe it will lead to better compensation and career longevity.


98% have greater confidence in their professional abilities.


87% believe it will increase their autonomy in the workplace.


95% believe they have improved opportunities for employability and advancement.

Organizations That Have RBLP Certified Leaders